Tatem Charlie is here! We couldn't be happier and more in love with our new little boy! He's so handsome and we couldn't ask for more! He was born September 16th at 4pm. 6lbs 2oz! On his due date no less!
I was so lucky to have had an awesome pregnancy and equally great birth experience. I went into labor Wednesday afternoon and just decided to wait at home for the contractions to get stronger and make sure it wasn't false labor. At about 5 am Thursday morning, my water finally broke and we decided to head into the hospital...about an hour away!! We got to the hospital at about 6:30am and I had hoped on having a natural childbirth but my blood pressure was very high and it was suggested to me that I get an epidurral (or how ever it's spelled!) About 5 hours later, we started pushing with the doctor about 20 mins away (not my doc, he had had surgery the week before and was out of the office for 6 weeks due to unexpected complications, luckily I have heard he's beginning to recover and do much better!) after two pushes the nurse looked extremly worried and told me to not move one inch because he was coming! They ran out in the hall and grabbed the first doctor they found and before the doctor had his jacket on, my next contraction had pushed little Tate out all on his own! This boy thinks for himself I guess! But I really don't mind him sparing me the work!
Me and my BELLY at the awesome shower my mother in law Raegan threw me a couple weeks before Tate came.