WOW! Time flies! I was going to get better at posting and now look! It's been a month and Tate will be five months old in two days! Crazy! Life is starting to get a little more manageable around here!
Tatem finally takes naps and I can usually plan around them pretty well! He also is a BIG eater! He only nurses a couple times a day and the rest of the time he's an expert in the high chair! He loves veggies, peaches and very very watered down apple juice...if he's being a "good" boy!
Tate's favorite things are snuggleing (I don't mind that one bit), Walking in his walker, jumping in his johnny jump, going on walks (if it's warm enough), reading fun books and he sits up on his own as long as is isn't wearing jeans! He's already got a knack for comfortable clothes! We're still working on rolling over, he just has a lot of chub to move and I'm not sure he's on the floor enough to really catch on. Mom's working on letting him play on the ground more often.
Tanner is still working, in the National Guard, teaching 11 year old scouts, church basketball and going to school. Life is busy but he always spends his extra time with Tatem and I and we love him for that. I'm planning on starting school again this summer, a new development in the passed couple weeks but I've really been feeling like its what I need to do for myself and my family...especially since I'm so close to being done. I'm earning a degree in Family Life Studies and plan to teach parenting classes and work to strengthen my family as well as others with the information I am taught.
We are very blessed to be happy and healthy! We love each other, our home and the many ways in which we are blessed.
Oh ya, if anyone is looking for a "deluxe" Audi A4 1999 send them my way, we have a hum dinger of a deal waiting for them... that's right, Stacey is for sale and she's a bargin (like you name the price and we'll accept it)! Time to get a bigger car to fit our baby in!
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