Friday, October 10, 2014

Doctors, Surgery and Visits!

Excuse me for being a bit delinquent, we've been just a little busy, let's see ifi can remember it all...
1.well child check with pediatrician
2. Eye appointment
3. Urine analysis
4. Eye ultrasound
5. Echo on his heart
6.  Trip to insta care
7. Eye surgery with questionable (at best) overnight accommodations
8. Another eye appointment
9. TWO visits with mom
10. TWO caseworker visits
Coming up:
1. Another pediatric appointment, now he has terrible breathing concerns
2. Surgery on the second eye
3.LOTS of unknowns
4. Glasses fitting
5. Another eye appointment to check the glasses
Keep in mind, he's a month old we've only had him two weeks and the shortest appointment from home to back home was 2 hours! Needless to say, we've skipped court twice in all that mess. .  .
So yes, baby boy is cute, amazing and the best little down syndrome baby on planet earth, let's be clear, but he's a bit sicky. He's so easy mannered and we'll behaved, they pick and probe him and he doesn't flinch! But he has a bit of a long road ahead between doctors and therapy and DCFS.
We love him and feel honored to have been chosen to take care of him but our hearts are aching for him. His birth mommy loves him too, but after spending four hours with her during surgery, she's struggling. She's working so hard to get him back, but after hearing her story I'm worried she might be facing a temporary fix to a long term problem. This is making me unbelievably worried for baby boy. I'm worried sick that she'll be able to do just enough to get him back and then be unable to meet his medical needs in the long term. And my BIGGEST fear is that she'll get him, fail to keep up with his needs and he'll be back in the system, a lot more work and far less likely to be adopted or taken in. (I'm not fostering much longer I don't think, it's really hard)
No mommy wants to believe her baby is sick, but this mommy is in denial. She doesn't think down syndrome will effect his long term life and thinks he'll be good as new after a couple surgeries.
I don't know what our rights are or if we have any. They have given me the job to protect him but give me limited access to decision making. Taking care of a child, especially this one, requires more than love, showing up to some visits and taking some classes. I pray everyday that things will workout and baby boy will be protected, whether it's by me or not. But I'm still scared.

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