Monday, June 8, 2015

Oh Baby!

With four kiddos four and under, there's really never a dull moment in this house! Someone is always hungry, needing a diaper change or going potty and it's rare to have a moment when no one is crying! But with all of that, there is a whole lot of cute going on! These kiddos all adore each other and the talking ones say the darnedest things.....

Emerson Quotes:
"Oh baby Drake is so cute and so tiny!"

"Baby Drake you were in mommy's tummy so you could grow big, but now you big so you come out but now you our new baby. Now we need another one new baby in mommy's tummy!"

"Zaneys! (that's what she calls Zane, always plural it's so funny) don't eat your hand! It's not yummy!"

"Oh baby Drake fingers so tiny! I need to kiss them!"

Emerson said to Tanner: "Baby Drake so tiny, he so cute dad. And baby Zane so tiny and so cute! But I'm still small and still cute too!" And Tanner said "yes you are cute! What about Daddy, am I cute?" She said "ummm yeah dad, you Big Cute."

Emerson walked in and saw me burping Drake and said: "wait mom! I want to hit him too!"

Tatem Quotes:
While holding up two fingers, "wow ma we have three babies?! That's so many babies!"

The kids are use to babies being bottle fed because of Zane so when Tate first walked in on me nursing Drake he said "whoa ma what baby doing?! Biting you?! No, no baby Drake!" So I told him no I'm feeding him milk and he says, "oh that one milk and that one water?!"

While looking at the baby: "where's baby Drake? Silly ma, he right there!"

"What baby Drake doing? He sleeping ma? Wake up baby Drake! It's not bedtime!"

The night before I went in to have Drake I told the kids that I was going to go to the doctor to get the baby out so Grandpa Charlie would be there when they woke up. So the next day when they came to see us at the hospital Tate kept looking at the baby then looking at my tummy so confused and said maybe twenty times: "that baby Drake? Baby Drake come out. Baby Drake not in there anymore."

Tate loved to feel Drake kick and he called it a high high five so the first thing he said to him was "hi baby Drake! High five! Knuckles!" He didn't understand why he was so good at high fives in my tummy and not so good at them once he came out. It was hilarious.

So we're having lots of fun around here and taking things one day at a time! We feel so blessed to have so many small cute people and one big cute daddy!

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