Monday, October 21, 2013

Maybe I'm not that smart.....

So it's time for an update...We had our home study last week so it looks like we're only a couple of weeks away from being fully approved to begin receiving foster placements! Of course, we're excited about that and also nervous! There is so much unknown in this process and so much potential for heartbreak but we're going ahead with the gamble and trying to focus on all of the exciting positive possibilities and how much we'll be able to learn and grow from the process.
This passed week has been quite interesting for me...
Well I don't know if know this but it turns out I'm a brawler. Yep, you heard that right...My Mom and I went shopping just in Tooele Friday night (first mistake) and Tanner kept the kids. We went to Walmart and walked by the electronic section when Mom remembered she needed to get ink. So we turned around and went back and as we went back we saw a man with three kids (an infant, a 2 or three year old and five or six year old) in the photo section and he was screaming in one of the kid's face and then grabbed her by her pigtail and slammed her down into the cart very forcefully. There were a lot of people watching and someone came up to mom and I and asked what they thought we should so. I thought that together we had decided to go tell him that wasn't cool (I know now that it apparently wasn't the decision) So I walked up to him and calmly said; kids don't deserve to be treated like that. They need love and respect. He didn't like that lol surprise surprise. He started screaming in my face calling me every name in the book. At that time, his wife (about 8 times my size I swear) came up to me and joined in with him, she said things like: 'Where are your kids, kids need their moms how about you go home and be with them instead of being at Walmart I can tell leaving them is a normal thing for you' on and on! She even said when you clothe and feed them, you can decide how they should be treated. I was about to say I'd be happy to, how about I call Child Protective Services right now, but I think Heavenly Father was the only one controlling what I said because I never yelled, I never put them down personally I basically just kept saying over and over that they're just little children who deserve to be treated better. Then mom came from around the corner, grabbed my arm and took me away. I was pretty much freaking out. The guy was getting closer and closer to me and totally could've taken me out. A small part of me wanted him to because then I knew cops would be called and those kids would end up in a safer situation. It was obvious he was either high or drunk.
I know that I didn't handle it the best way, I could've been hurt, and the kids could've been hurt more. But I really didn't know what to do in the moment and I did know I wasn't going to just stand there and do nothing. I've decided that next time I'll pull out my camera phone and call authorities. But I did realize maybe I don't want to take Tooele cases. Can you imagine running into an angry dad like that at Walmart while you have custody of his kids?! No thanks.
At church the next day, I was in the hall during class (don't judge) and a man from the other ward came out and was carrying a screaming child who kept saying: 'I'll be good, I'll be good!' He carried him out of the door kicking and screaming. I watched the man carry him out to his car and begin spanking him hard and repeatedly. That's SO not ok with me, with our church or with anyone I like to associate with. WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?! I don't really know what to do! I'm thinking of just staying home from now on, it seems easier! But, like the guy in Walmart, I'm not OK with just letting it go unnoticed and unmentioned.
Children are THE most precious people on this earth. They are pure, clean spirits and they are of the greatest importance. It is our job to protect all children. If you know of a child being mistreated, call DCFS, they have the goal to keep children safe, but they also want them to be with their parents. They will help parents gain the knowledge and tools to treat their kids with love and parent in a healthy way. If we all work together, we can help kids be safer.
 Utah's Phone Number for DSFS:1-855-323-DCFS (3237)

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