Sunday, December 8, 2013


It has been 8 weeks since our licensor came to inspect our house and interview us and now we are FINALLY....OFFICIALLY....awaiting a placement.
Here are the steps we have taken since the beginning of August (5 months) to begin the actual waiting process which could be anywhere from a few weeks to a year...
1. Meet with a recruiter
2. Take 8,  4 hour long classes through the month of September/ prepare our house for the home study
3. Meet with the licensor and have her inspect our house. She then types up our official home study and submits it to the Department of Child and Family Services.
4. DCFS reviews our home study through the board and decides to accept or deny our application to become foster parents....they accepted thank goodness!
5. Meet with the Resource Family Consultant (basically the caseworker that represents the foster parents, children in care are represented by their own caseworkers) She goes over things with us and does another interview
6. WAIT for a placement.
That's right, we've been waiting to wait. But now, it's official, any day we could get a call with a placement (though it will likely take a LOT of days...) but we're excited to get to the waiting part. Now, we just pray everyday for the children who will someday be in our home, that they will feel a sense of peace and comfort and that we will be prepared to welcome them, love them, and meet their needs as they become part of our family (hopefully) forever, or maybe just for awhile.
Thanks for your love and support, we will keep you posted on our progress.
PS. Our kiddos are doing great and getting so BIG! Tate is adding words to his vocabulary everyday and we couldn't be happier! Emy just started walking a couple weeks ago (she took her time!) and her cute face and smile always lights up our day!
We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!

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