Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Three full weeks of complaining, tears, whining, and the longest days of our summer lives and FINALLY we are done!

You may recall that Little Big Man had been hiding a pretty hefty stack of paperwork from the school year from me and he earned himself the privledge to finish that stack. The deal was that I would take away his Nintendo DS until the stack was gone and he could not play or watch TV in the mornings until he had finished his five page quota for the day.

This deal started three weeks ago and it hasn't been pretty. There were times I wanted to give up and let him win but we white knuckled through and three weeks to the day later, the stack is DONE. He sat in the car for two hours during playgroup because he refused to finish his five pages, he watched his siblings play on a splash pad because he didn't feel like doing his subtraction but it still got done.

I must say I felt bad at times, but I'd do it again if I had to. He has learned a lot, first from the actual assignments and the lessons in them and second from the "fun" life lesson. Hopefully he'll realize that its easier to do things the first time around and that whether you want to or not, there are things in life that have to get done before you can play.

I feel like we're living in a world with way to much play first, work later. That's, in my opinion, why there is so much debt and heartache. Everything worth anything is going to require hard work. Maybe he'll learn that, maybe not. The point is,

MOM WON!!! WOOT WOOT!!! It almost killed me but here we are!

...On second thought, maybe Little Big Man won because I have NOT missed the drama of that stupid Nintendo DS....

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