Five months ago, almost to the day, we brought home two kids who had gone through a lot and had experienced a gamut of emotions. The very first night we brought them home, we knelt in family prayer up in the boys' bedroom. We prayed for each child by name and asked for blessings to meet their specific needs. They were of course restless and didn't understand what we were doing but they were pleased to go along with it.
Since then, we have....
Prayed together before bed 153 times.
Gone to church 20 times
Made 10 loaves of bread and about 20 dozen cookies.
Did 240 loads of laundry
Watched 8 hours of LDS General Conference
Taken 330 pictures
Gone on 10 walks
Gone to 5 movies
Had 15 picnics
Given 450 baths
Read the same books 100's of times (yippie! If you'd like to know what Patrick keeps in his backpack, I'm the gal to ask)
Swam in the front yard 12 times, a real pool 2 times
Went to the zoo and aquarium 1 time
Went to the park 25 times
Went to time out countless times
Played 20 hours of Super Nintendo, Mario Brothers (curse you castle #3)
Drove 1500 miles added up
Went to 2 team meetings
Attended 1 court hearing (skipped 3)
Wrote 2 letters to mom in jail
9 family visits
Painted 20 fingernails 6 times
5 visits from caseworkers
Celebrated 7 birthdays and 3 holidays
Watched a billion youtube videos
Agonized over 40 pages of homework
Went to 22 playgroup meetings
Wrote 9 journal entries per kid
Offered 2 father's blessings
Had 2 going away parties, one with friends, one with family
Laughed everyday, cried every night, hugged more than ever and was humbled beyond words.
Last night, we gathered in a circle for prayer together for the last time as this group of six. This time, they all four knew how to pray and each of them begged to be the one to offer our final prayer together. This time, the children prayed for each person by name, thanked the Lord for their blessings, and asked for their needs. What a whirl wind the past five months have been...
I'll never be the same.
Today we took them to their new home with their wonderful family. Little Big Man sobbed as he said goodbye and Essa was eager to be with her cousins. Tate and Emerson cried as they gave them hugs goodbye and that was it. We drove away in a very quiet van.
We messed up a lot in this process, I rarely, if ever, had the right answers to the problem. I honestly, saw a side to myself at times that I wasn't proud of. But I really feel like this was an experience our family needed to grow and become better. After all, that's what life is about!
Going forward? We don't know. . . Right now I'm sitting in a quiet house for the first time in five months, so we'll figure that out tomorrow-ish!
. . .But you'll be the first to know. . .
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