Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mommy! I NEED Chocolate!

I've realized that I've written so much about our latest additions that I've failed to talk about my other kids for awhile....

Tate is getting so big and doing really well. He started speech therapy two years ago with a local therapist and after NO results, we called in the big guns and started driving into town twice a month to meet with a PHENOMENAL speech pathologist! He has been there over a year and his progress has been incredible. He's still tough to understand for a lot of people that don't know him but he is putting longer and longer sentences together and can speak well enough to play with other kids. When he started with his second therapist he could say only five words! It's been a long tough road to watch him work so hard for what so many kids can learn easily, but seeing that someday he'll get there has been worth it. I had so many sleepless nights praying for his success, he would cry and throw tantrums when other people couldn't understand him and there was a lot of times that were very tough. But, he's also lots of fun! He just got his first bike and he really enjoys the half hour it takes to go around the block! He LOVES his two new siblings and plays the best with Essa. They're partners in crime and enjoy building blocks and acting silly. He's still only three so the whining and tantrums could use some refining, but it's night and day from before! It's nice to see how far he's come! It creates so much excitement for the future!

Emerson is almost TWO! I don't know where all the time has gone! She is so fun and I'm really enjoying being her momma right now! She's the first child I've had in my home that has learned how to talk on her own! She is such a chatter box! She comes up with new cute things to say everyday. She is petite and gentle and a wonderful mom to her baby dollies. She feeds them and gives them naps, watch out when they're asleep because she'll yell at you and tell you to SHHH if you even think about talking!  She's a daddy's girl when it works for her (he spoils her) and a momma's girl when that's more convenient.... basically what I'm saying is, she's SMART! Which also can be naughty! The other day Tanner and I were in our room and she was in the hall,  She started yelling mom! Momma! Mommy! Tanner Said,  looks like it's your turn! (She has to say your name three or four times even if you answer right away, it's her thing!) I kept saying what?! Then she said: I need daddy! It was wonderful to not be needed for once! But, she had already learned that "need" is the word to use instead of want... When I went in her room to get her up from her nap I walked in and she said,  "Mommy,  I NEED chocolate." I don't have a single clue where she picks these things up! Overall, she enjoys being the baby of the family and having everyone pamper to her every whim, I think I have a mini teenager on my hands but I wouldn't change it for the world!

So,  the younger half of my smalls are doing well! They are growing and learning like tiny sponges and picking up all the older kids will show them,  thank goodness they don't teach naughty stuff... mostly!

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