Monday, March 31, 2014

Blessings of Family

On Friday, my cousin got married in the Draper Temple! It was an amazing experience! He married an amazing woman and it is obvious that the two of them are meant to be together and are truly in love! I love going to weddings and seeing people enter into this marriage thing totally blind, it really takes me back! Just kidding!
Along with weddings come a lot of family members which means it was the first time the kiddos met the extended family! They went to Grandma R's house while we went to the wedding and luncheon, then we came all the way back home, cleaned and fed them and drove them back into Salt Lake for the reception. I was nervous for them at first, but that was silly of me I guess because they were VERY outgoing and excited to meet with everyone! They took to playing with all of my cousins' kids right away and they had the time of their lives! I'm one of the youngest cousins in the family which means there are lots of kids to play with when we all get together. In about an hour, my kids had made a whole new collection of 'best friends for life!'
The next day, all of us met up again at a local park to roast hot dogs and s'mores, fly kites and play on the playground equipment!  It was so fun for my family to be around so many other cousins because both Tanner and I are the only siblings with kids in our family, we aren't aunts and uncles and our poor kiddos don't have cousins! (To be honest, it made me wish that I was still one of 'the cousins' running around, instead of the moms! I seriously don't have a clue where all of the time went!)
When it was time to go, Little Big Man learned that his new best friends all live in Idaho! He was heartbroken! He was so sad that another group of people he now loves is going to be so far away that he won't be able to see them! Saying good bye to family is always hard for all of us, but I think it was a totally different thing for someone who just wants everyone to stay put for awhile.
But, with that said, the weekend was great and a huge reminder of how important family is. We are so blessed to have such an amazing family and people who love and support us through our journey with all four of our babies, we have to words for how much they all mean to us and we're thankful for every excuse we have to spend time with them all.
Thanks guys!

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