Wednesday, March 19, 2014


So today was the first court date since we got the kids and let me just say what an adventure.

First of all, the kids were asked to be there which was...interesting. They were actually pretty good when you consider that it was a new place with a lot going on. The judge was very strict with mom and stressed the importance of her completing these MANY tasks, like parenting class, so as far as that goes, court was good. In fact, afterwards mom pulled me aside and thanked me for loving and taking care of her kids since she cannot. That woman loves her babies, she just is in such a hard place right now. I think she wants to want the white picket fence life but had no clue how to get there and honestly, I think she believes its too far away to be attainable.

But with all good comes the not so good...

Mom appeared to be on some type of substance whether that be alcohol or drugs both during court and at the kids visit a few hours following court. There are times when it seems like we're protecting the mom's rights more than the kids, that's not really the case, just perception.

The other crappy part about court was how I was treated by the judge... I was told before court that the kids would come in, talk to the judge and then be excused while adult topics were discussed. Instead, they about all of the adult stuff with the kids sitting there. So, when the judge asked me if I had concerns I asked if the kids could leave the room because it was a lot for them to hear. She gave me some big lecture about how some kids struggle with court but they seem to be fine and she needed to talk to them. I said I understood but misunderstood and thought they'd be able to leave for adult topics. She was very rude and demeaning to me and I felt about two inches tall. It's really not fair that I get to turn my life upside down and do EVERYTHING for these kids and be treated like some dumb person. I respect her, her job and her judgement, that's how court works. I'd just really appreciate some respect back. I've given a lot to help these kids and I know them a ton better than she does. And I know that they internalize everything they hear, and they in fact were nervous about court and they don't need to hear how far behind their peers they are and that so far, their mom has made no effort to get them back.

You know how police officers have to experience what it's like to be hit by everything they carry, like the pepper spray so they know what it's like and what to expect? Maybe family court judges should have to have one round of foster kids in their home so they can have some empathy...just sayin. (Just the ones who need a little extra help....I have heard that there are some AWESOME judges that my fellow foster people have had, hats off to them!!) I feel like I've been hit by a pepper spray bomb.

They are little, my request was not crazy...I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one who really cares with my whole heart.

After all of that, they got to go have a chunk of hair cut out of their heads to be tested! Wow.

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