Saturday, March 1, 2014


You name it, we're doing it this upcoming week! We've got dentist, doctors, caseworker, and mom visits mixed in with school, cub scouts and play group this week! They tell you that you'll be busy, but it's hard to understand how busy that really is until you're in the thick of it all.
Last week wasn't much different, on Monday we had three of the four children who had to be taken somewhere to do something! I just hope I don't drop the ball far, my juggling skills could probably get me into the circus! (I actually think I'm already there)
In spite of it all, the kids seem to be doing well! They're growing and making friends and getting more comfortable in our home, and Tate and Emerson are getting more comfortable with them being here too!
However, with comfort comes....well, comfort. What I mean by that is I think our 'honeymoon' phase is over and true behaviors and emotions are coming out. In general, I think that is a good thing. They're more able and willing to share things with us, but they are also pushing the boundaries and trying to figure out what is and what is not OK to do, and having never parented an 8 year old, I'm trying to figure things out too.
(Any ideas for discipline...and potty training, poor Tate does everything on his own time)
Along with all of that, we have recently learned that the kiddos have family members who are beginning the process of being able to facilitate visitation and potentially (a long way off, but still potentially) raise the kids full time. I think that this could be a good thing for them, studies show that kids do best with birth parents first, kin (family) second, and lastly with adoptive families. Assuming those situations are positive, healthy situations. And from what I know, the kids love this family member and have had very good interactions with them in the past.
 The problem with this, is knowing that someday it could happen, but not knowing when that could be and trying to still get into a stable daily routine and balance in the midst of it all. I know with everything that I have that Heavenly Father is watching over them and guiding their way, and I know in the end that it will all work out. But, what I'm finding is difficult is the days leading up to the end.
I think I finally understand the wisdom in finding Joy in the Journey, I can't live for the end result, I need to live for the moment; for myself, for my kids, and for my gosh darn sanity.
My favorite saying was given to me printed on a awesome old window, by my mom and mother in law for a bridal shower gift:
"Happiness is a Journey...Not a Destination."
If someone goes into foster care (or any thing else in life really) intending to find happiness in a final destination, they might not reach it. The key is the happiness in the everyday; like watching a four year old and an eight year old play with play dough for the first time EVER and seeing their little hands and minds at work as they mold and sculpt everything that comes to mind.
...So in our home, we're taking it a day at a time and doing what it takes to find the happiness in our journey...

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